Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
- 담당자
- Department Office, 1770
- 설치장소
- Chemistry Building #124
- 도입일자
- 2019-11-12
- 수량
- 1
- Principle : A molecular system absorbs high energy (short wavelength) and excites the system; after a lag of several nanoseconds, it then emits a light of relatively lower energy (longer wavelength)
- Purpose of utilization : The emitted light can be examined for materials in various fields to measure fluorescence or phosphorescence spectra for quantitative and qualitative analysis.
- Model : FL6500 (Perkinelmer)
- Preparation : Prepare the specimen in a cuvette
- Manual
※ Refer to the manual in front of the machine for detailed instructions
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/jjjxoq2r37ny8sg/%EC%9E%85%EB%8F%84%EB%B6%84%EC%84%9D%EA%B8%B0_210915.mp4?dl=0